Be sure to check out our print edition for "The Goods," in which we highlight the
latest, greatest products bearing the WVU brand. Most items can be found at
Feet of Strength
Here's a pair of socks you won't lose. Woven graphics of the grizzled Mountaineer mascot grace these crew socks by Rock Em. Here's the problem: Why wear shoes to cover them up?
What a Crock
It's cold. Do you need any more reasons to break out this lovely Crock-Pot? It's suitable for cooking bears, horned frogs and longhorns. Get it at
Cozy up
Snowday Rules: 1. Pour hot chocolate into your favorite WVU mug. 2. Put on reversible Flying WV logo puffer vest. 3. Curl up with WVU blanket by Northwest and available at Bed Bath and Beyond. 4. Do nothing else. (Optional: Dogs cuddling on the floor.)
Musket's Big Adventure
(Disclaimer: The author of this article is also an author of "Musket’s Big Adventure."
There’s no data proving it is the best children’s book ever produced in the history
of mankind.)
'Tis the Season
Decorate the tree this year with a WVU stadium chair ornament. Or set it out as a perfect-sized chair for Mountaineer elves.
Pull Over for this Pullover
No description needed for this top selling women’s jacket at Just look at it and tell us you don’t want to put that thing on and go take a nap.
All That Glitters is Gold-and-Blue
Bedazzle your smartphone with one of these Flying WV gold glitter cases. Now maybe you’ll stop dropping your phone so much.
Take me Home
Take this official 150th anniversary T-shirt home to the place it belongs. Wear it driving down the road when you get a feeling that you should have been home yesterday.
The Book of Mountaineerdom
From game day cheers to FallFest, the WVU “Traditions” book bleeds all things WVU. Order it at
Also, buy the Musket book.